Ties at a Basketball Game?

I couldn’t figure out what my old debate partner Pat Sommers was up to. He was in what appeared to be Houck Field House spiffed up in a coat and tie. Check out his front pocket. He was pulling out all the stops. You CAN click on the photo to make it larger, but I’m not sure how much Pat  you really want to see.

Now that I think of it, Pat always dressed out of the ordinary. He wore dark sunglasses to a showing of the Beatles movie Help! At least he behaved more appropriately here than he did in this photo. Here’s what a modern version of Pat looks like.

Christmas Tournament

The next frame showed basketball action between Notre Dame and the Eagles. That led me to believe that it was taken during the Christmas tournament that brought mixes of teams to Houck Field House. Pat wasn’t the only one who dressed up. If you look at the crowd, there’s a pretty good scattering of ties. I wonder if high school kids still dress up for basketball games.

Happy New Year

Helping confirm the time of year was a frame on the roll that had a hand-stenciled Happy New Year sign taped to the Steinhoff living room window.

10 Replies to “Ties at a Basketball Game?”

  1. The first group of people watching the Basketball tournament were mostly Notre Dame kids. I knew a few of them.

  2. I am with the crowd on this one Christmas Tourney Time in Cape. Oran Easgles against ND my guess. Notice the girl above and to the right of Pat…She is giving you the finger. You do seem to bring that out in people. I sometimes wonder how many pictures I have had taken giving the “one finger salute”. She looks like she is thinking, but we all know what message she is sending to the world….
    Once again you and your talents bring out the best in people. Pat does look pretty Studley in this shot he is complete with vest, coat, tie, and handerchief in the pocket. My guess he was casting in the ND High School pool for what ever was biting, just a guess.

  3. Will you never run out of photos! I don’t know what I was doing in a suit — maybe I had a date or maybe I came from work at Limbaugh’s. I don’t know but I do look pretty dorky.

  4. This is just getting TOO OBVIOUS!!

    How many pictures can one photographer take of ONE GUY??? What sort of “BRO-MANCE” was going on between Masters Steinhoff and Sommers?

    I’m sure it was innocent…. because that was back in the days before they invented being “Gay”. But enough of the P.S. pictures Ken. We all agree he was a “Stallion”…. just stop rubbing it in!


  5. a few personal observations.

    1. That is not Pat Cato… Jesse. Some Notre Dame wannabe.
    2. Those are Seinfeld “Man Hands” on the girl giving the finger.
    3. That may be a young “Austin Powers” impersonating Pat Sommers. Think about it… He did call all the chicks “Baaaby!” and that would explain all the “Shagging” he lucked into… How else could you explain it?


  6. Dear Ken,
    The Christmas tournament picture has Ron Gosche on the left. He is Don’s cousin. Also pictured are Kirby Hahn on the right and Don’s head is peeking in the middle. Don thinks that the Notre Dame player is Greg Flaker. Don also says that they won the tournament that year. If you have any other pictures of the Oran Eagles; I’ll pay!!

    Thanks for all you do!

  7. Sorry Sally, but that can’t be Don Metz’ head peeking over the middle. … he was completely bald by his sophomore year in high school. His memory about winning the tournament is probably faulty too, as at his age the direct sun light is very hard on the brain cells.

    As I remember Greg Flaker owned “the Metzer” as a shortstop in baseball too. Don was a good little “utility player” though, and could have played a little longer had he not gained all that weight.

    Your old friend,

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