I was looking over some aerials of the Red Star from April 2011 area when I saw a white parking lot west of the area being cleared for the Casino. When I got to thinking about it, that was where Washington School was located. All that’s left are a few trees and a little green space. Click on the photo to make it larger.
The street running left to right is North Fountain. The street on the south side of the school is Mill Street. On the north side is Pearl Street.
Earlier stories about Washington School
Th white parking lot belongs to the Autism Center.
I went to Kindergarten there with Ms. Miller (Dana’s mom) as my teacher. It was a BIG school and I knew a lot of people from there as grew up, and we all merged into that great melting pot called Central. I found out there were other parts of town and other schools too! Now I look back and see that they were all only a couple of miles away in the adult world, but in the kid universe we all lived in the other schools were as foreign to us as another planet. It is somewhat sad to see all of the BIG schools in Cape being thorn down, but I guess the little buggers need new schools and those old monster just are not suitable for the 21st century.
I didn’t know that Dana’s mom was also one of our teachers. The only connection I tried to make was Dana Miller and Billy Miller. I swear I didn’t know any better at the time.
I believe it’s pretty accurate to say that Washington school site is where the Union army kept reserve horses during the Civil War. Can anyone say yay or nay to that?
I don’t know for sure, but it would be logical because it was about midway between Fort A at the end of Bellvue and Fort B, which was where Academic Hall is.
Go here to see the locations of Cape’s Civil War forts.