Wife Lila and some of her friends threw together an impromptu 50th class reunion in 2016. They realized that most of them are turning 70 years old in 2018, so it was a good time to have a 70th Birthday Party.
Marilyn Maevers Miller of Charleston and the Class of 66 Lunch Bunch handled the local logistics and provided excellent eats.
The classmates gathered at an outdoor pavilion in South County Park Friday night. The photo shows about 50 attendees, and even more might have missed being in the group shot. Click on the image to make it large enough to see faces. Anyone who appears in the group shot above has my express permission to reproduce it for personal use.
Singing broke out
Bill Jacqie Jackson brought his karaoke equipment from his South Florida post-retirement job, and attracted an active group of “singers” toward the end of the evening.
The good thing about attending a group 70s Birthday Party is that all of the people who would yell, “Turn that music down!” are AT the party.
A cold front moved through on Saturday, so Bob Ward offered up space in the Elk’s Club to get the group out of rain and cold winds.
Earlier posts about other CHS reunions
- Promotion of the 50th reunion
- The 50th reunion even had a classmate who virtually attended from South Africa via social media.
- Tour of “old” Central High School
- Lunch with Gerald Love and the Class of 65
- Reunion Day 1
- Linda Stone and Tricia Tipton revisit Themis Street
- Class of 1965 20-Year-Reunion bios
- Class of 1966 at 2005 reunion
- The last night of the 2010 reunion
Hi Ken, A few years back you ran 2 pictures of a SEMO track meet probably from 1965 or 1966. Could you please send me the link or the picture? I can’t find the one I saved from that particular email. I want you to know I miss the daily/weekly emails about your adventures and the news of Cape Girardeau. Time marches on. Thanks for the help. Tim Luckett
Tim, is this the track meet you were thinking of?
Ken, Thank you so very much for coming out to capture our 70th Birthday Party Bash! Always nice to be able to look back….The class of “66 proves over and over again what a “Rockin” bunch they are!!!! Till the next time….. Thanks.
Those are the pictures Ken. Thank you very much.
Tim Luckett