I love it when I get comments from kids who see photos of their parents before they were parents. I got an email in March about a story about St. Francis Hospital manger Patricia Foster: “I am Patricia’s daughter and just ran across your blog’s highlight on my mother. The photography is spectacular. It is magical seeing your parents before you rolled into their lives.”
Mother before I came along
Like Miss Foster’s daughter, I’m fascinated by old scrapbook photos of my parents. Here, on Mother’s Day, is a short photo gallery of some of Mother’s pre-Ken days. She looks like a lot of fun. My Grandmother, Elsie Adkins Welch, was quite a woman, too.
Click on any photo to make it larger, then click on the left or right side of the image to move through the gallery.
Wonderful shots of your mom. A few of your “Tower Rock” books are headed to Germany on Monday.
And just who was there to take these wonderful shots of your mother, Ken, since you weren’t born yet???
Love the photos of your mother, especially the one with the horse. Vintage photos tell their own stories.
The horse photo was taken in downtown Advance. I don’t want to say it was a one-horse town, but…
These are fantastic!
Those old photos are a good look into what is for most of us an unknown part of our parents’ history. My mother’s family, the Grossheiders, were nearly notorious for the number of photos they took of nearly any occasion where more than two gathered. My cousins and I have many hundreds of photos from our parents’ past. I’d heard years ago that Alvin and Elsie Grossheider’s girls were considered quite a catch and the old photos seem to bear that out.