2014 Cannonball Run

2014 Cannonball Run 09-09-2014Cape was awash with sound, and I don’t mean my brother’s snoring. (He was on his way back to Oklahoma.) No, we were bracketed by the SEMO District Fair to the west and 110 vintage motorcycles (and the ones who came to see them) on the east.

I had to stop by Annie Laurie’s Antiques to pick up something for Wife Lila. While there, Laurie reminded me of the Cannonball Run that was forming up on Spanish for a parade over to Broadway, then west on to Kingshighway, then over to William Street. I really didn’t plan to shoot anything because I was going to the fair Tuesday night. Still, I couldn’t resist taking a swing downtown.

I saw a gazillion motorcycles – some part of the run, some belonging to spectators – and still wasn’t sure if I was going to stop. I got about three blocks away and decided this was too good to pass up. The motorcycles, some of them dating before the 1930s, started in Daytona Beach in Florida and will wind up in Tacoma, Washington, on Sept. 21.

From 24 states, and 10 countries

2014 Cannonball Run 09-09-2014I heard smatterings of German, and took a couple of photos for some visitors from South Africa. (They wanted to make sure the bridge was in the background.)

For more information, check out Samantha Rinehart’s story in The Missourian. Here is the official Cannonball Run website.

Cannonball Run photo gallery

Having never been a motorcycle rider, I was as much interested in watching the people as looking at the machines. It was a mostly older crowd who did much photo-taking and chin scratching. The body language was interesting. Click on any photo to make it larger, then use your arrow keys to move through the images.


Cairo’s Nap Auto Store

Old Napa Auto sign 08-10-2014Having to watch Brother David do yard work Sunday tuckered me out something awful. Then, on Monday, I had to do a quick up ‘n’ back to St. Louis, leaving me seriously nap deprived.

That’s when I remembered this store I spotted on the north end of Cairo on the way to Cape.

I should have stopped in to get a gross of those Nap Autos the sign promised. The only reason I didn’t was that I wasn’t sure how long they’d stay good. I’ll pull in to check their expiration date on my next pass through the town.

I wonder if they come in different sizes? Are they sprayed to kill nightmares? Does the nap start automatically as soon as you open the package? There are just so many questions ….

Growing Things Fear Him

David Steinhoff doing yardwork at Kingsway Dr 09-07-2014When I travel across the country, my van is loaded with cameras, tripods, computers, electronic gizmos and navigational aides. When Brother David hits the road, he carries such implements of destruction that trees and bushes shrink back in horror as he goes by.

Mother passed on certain traits to each of us. I got her desire to explore new roads and to marvel at the power of storms. David, on the other hand, inherited her desire to attack green, growing things and shorten them to within an inch of their lives (or more).

The sun had scarcely started to think about waking up roosters when he brought out a hedge trimmer that could chop down walnut trees and a blower so powerful that he has to put rocks in his pockets to keep from being blown backward. The only thing that makes more noise than the blower is his snoring in the middle of the night. He was sleeping on the porch (“cause it’s nice and cool”) with the door closed and I was in the basement trying to finish a blog post when I started having problems with my monitors vibrating. I traced the disturbance to my brother creating low-frequency, but powerful sounds.

Like a space shuttle launch

Space Shuttle launch 03-15-2009I covered a space shuttle launch one time where I set up a recorder to capture the roar of the thing blasting off. After the last speck of it disappeared into the blue, I played the recording back and found out that the launch caused the earth to shake and created a massive sound wave that washed over you like the surf, but I didn’t capture it. My theory was that the sound was too low a frequency for my recorder to pick up.

If I don’t get the sonic sound track tonight, I’m going to assume he hits those same frequencies. Maybe I can get video of the dining room windows vibrating.

Why don’t we just use a chainsaw?

I watched him tackle a bush in the front yard that was almost as high as the house. He used the massive hedge trimmer to bite out huge hunks of it, then he would walk around snipping a leaf here, a branch there, must like a barber might do to a head of hair. Every trip around the bush would cause it to get smaller and smaller. (I can only imagine how short the coffee table would become if he thought one leg was a little off and he needed to even it up.)

Finally, I said, “Dave, why don’t we make the process shorter? I’ll get the chainsaw and we can just take it off level with the ground.”

“It’ll grow back fast,” was his response.

Does she REALLY like those flowers?

David Steinhoff doing yardwork at Kingsway Dr 09-07-2014After we finished Mother’s splendid dinner of liver and onions, mashed potatoes, with gravy, corn and some pink stuff with cherries in it, I felt a nap was in order, but he decided the grass needed mowing. Now, I’ve offered to do that before, but Mother always says she likes to mow, so don’t touch her mower. She must have seen the crazed look in David’s eyes, so she didn’t even try to stop HIM.

It took him a little while to figure out that you have to hold down the brake to start the beast. I think he was confused because he didn’t seem to understand the concept of a brake. He operated at two speeds: Fast and You’d Better Get Out of My Way.

Here he is contemplating if Mother really LIKES those flowers. “They’ll grow back,” I could hear him thinking.

Dust and a spray of walnuts

David Steinhoff doing yardwork at Kingsway Dr 09-07-2014I watched him running at full tilt boogie right up until the time he made a turn and sprayed me with sticks, rocks, boulders and a rat-a-tat-tat of walnuts propelled faster than the speed of sound. I know it was that fast because they hit me before I heard ’em coming. I got the hint.

I calculate that he’s gonna be slowing down a little this week: he’s turning 60 on September 12.


Buildings with Soul

McConnelsville OH garage 08-24-2014As I travel across this great land, particularly in older sections of towns, I am struck by something: buildings used to have soul and were built as monuments to the people and businesses that inhabited them.

After Curator Jessica and I gawked at Big Muskie’s monster dragline bucket and marveled at the Muskingum River levels in the Great Flood of 1913, we crossed over the river into McConnelsville, Ohio.

We hadn’t gone too far down West Main Street when I abruptly whipped into a gas station to take a photo of the front of this beautiful old garage.

Winged wheels

McConnelsville OH garage 08-24-2014Something looked familiar about the winged wheels. Then, it dawned on me: a subtle variation of that was the symbol of the Ohio State Highway Patrol. (Click on the photos to make them larger.)

Whoever built this garage wanted to let everybody in town know that this wasn’t a blacksmith’s stable or some shadetree mechanic – this was a place where the automobile was celebrated.

I get the same feeling when I drive around in St. Louis and see buildings that may not have ornate artwork on them, but still carry the name of the owner or business because it was expected to last.

Where in Cape was such a building?

I’m trying to think of any buildings like that in Cape. I’d have to nominate the old Farmers and Merchants Bank at the corner of Sprigg and Good Hope whose stone columns said “bank” as soon as you saw them.

The Boat House across from Capaha Park would be another.
