Cape Municipal Band Concert

Cape Municipal Band concert 07-30-2014 Eric McGowen is a good guy to know. He’s tipped me off to some good stories and gotten me into places folks don’t normally get to go.

Eric sent this email a few days ago: I had noticed that you’d attended and done a story on the Jackson Municipal band – tomorrow night is the last Cape Municipal Band concert for the season.  Concert starts at 7:30, but if you wanted to come take pictures of the inside of the band shell before hand I’m sure I could get something worked out for you.

[Editor’s Note: above is Ron Nall, who started playing with the band in 1967 and became the conductor in 1992.]

Wall of directors

Cape Municipal Band concert 07-30-2014There would be some great shots – there’s pictures on the wall of every director since the inception of the band – 100+ years worth.  (and Trombonist Dr. Dan Cotner has played for 75 of those).  This is my 20th year playing saxophone with the Cape Muny Band – it’s a great collection of College and High School music teachers, high school and college music students,  and schmucks like me who still enjoy the heck out of playing.  Just an idea.

Dr. Cotner’s 75th year with band

Cape Municipal Band concert 07-30-2014This marked Dr. Dan Cotner’s 75th year with the band, breaking a record set by Homer Gilbert, who played 74 years. Jerry Ford was recognized for 57 years of service.

Stories about the band

Cape Municipal Band concert 07-30-2014Not only did Eric provide the tip and the access, but he also sent me several links to Missourian stories ABOUT the band. I’ll post those links to give me more time to process a larger photo gallery in order to show more band members and the audience.

Guest conductors

Cape Municipal Band concert 07-30-2014“Children of all ages” were invited down to the front and given “batons” so they could play conductor. Narrator Tim Gould told the audience that the word “baton” is pronounced differently in different regions. “In Jackson, they just call them ‘sticks,'” he joked. (I THINK it was a joke.)

It was hard to tell whether some of the boys were conducting the orchestra or sword fighting, but the music still sounded good.

Star Spangled Banner

Cape Municipal Band concert 07-30-2014 It was touching to watch the audience stand with hands over hearts and sing the Star Spangled Banner.

Band concert photo gallery

Click on any photo to make it larger, then use your arrow keys to move through the gallery. (Because the gallery is so large, it may load slower than usual. Restart it if it seems to hang up.)


Mike Schuette’s Tree

Mike Schuette Memorial 07-30-2014I showed up a little early to photograph the season’s last Cape Girardeau Municipal Band’s concert, so I wandered around Capaha Park with Friend Shari. It was a good opportunity to check out how Mike Schuette’s memorial tree was doing.

When I was there two summers ago, the memorial stone had been set, but the tree hadn’t been planted. It looks like it’s doing fine.

Some of Mike’s cronies surreptitiously scattered some of his ashes around his beloved second base. That way every kid who slides into second will take a little bit of Mike home with him.

Earlier Schutte stories and pictures

Brad Brune and some of his eagle-eyed brethren have spotted or mentioned their buddy Mike in some of the old stories:


Dino’s Pizza Gone, Gone, Gone

Old Dino's Pizza site 07-29-2014On my first pass down Broadway this trip, I had a “what’s missing” moment when I got across from Houck Stadium. Then it dawned on me. Dino’s Pizza was gone, replaced by grass.

I had written a post before I left in April saying that SEMO had bought the property and was going to turn it into a green space. They didn’t waste any time.

Better enjoy the green while you can. This sniffs like a parking lot waiting to happen.

Here’s what is missing

Dino's Pizza 05-02-2014Here’s a last glance at Dino’s. You can see more Dino’s photos here.

Mother and the Class of ’66

Mary Steinhoff at CHS '66 lunch 07-28-2014I hadn’t planned to go to the Class of ’66 lunch when I was in town. I had too much going on, the ’66ers are young whippersnappers, and the affair was being held at a place where I swore I’d never spend another penny after two bad experiences.

Then, I got this Facebook post from Jane McKeown Neumeyer: Ken, ask your Mom if she would like to be my guest at Monday’s Class of 66 Luncheon. I could swing by to pick her up. She is definitely an honorable member and more honorable than most of us. If not, maybe, you could drop by with your Mom during lunch sometime so that those of us who only know her through your blog could meet her. Oh, and we could see you, too. LOL!

Marilyn Maevers Miller puts on the pressure

Mary Steinhoff at CHS '66 lunch 07-28-2014Marilyn Maevers Miller weighed in: Thank you Jane, what a lovely idea!!!! By the way….she is so much fun!!

Wife Lila and Mother went down to Marilyn’s joint in Charleston one time and I understand that there was much hooting, hollering, hijinking and hilarity at the meeting. They laughed about it for days.

Marilyn, in the striped outfit, was on her best behavior today so I’d trust Mother to go down to Charleston for another play date.

Sally Wright Metz tugged on her arm

Mary Steinhoff at CHS '66 lunch 07-28-2014Sally Wright Metz tried to figure out which of Mother’s arms was the fake. She gave them both a pull, I think, but they stayed on.

Bob and Dick

Mary Steinhoff at CHS '66 lunch 07-28-2014Dick McClard, left, wonders how such a delightful woman could turn out a commie pinko son. Bob White is less judgmental.

Jane wouldn’t let go

Mary Steinhoff at CHS '66 lunch 07-28-2014I didn’t know if Jane McKeown Neumeyer was pulling a Sally Wright Metz arm check or what, but I didn’t think she’d ever let go of Mother’s hand. I’m glad she pressured me into bringing Mother, though, she enjoyed the celebrity treatment.

Brune Standard Time

Brad Brune '66 lunch 07-28-2014_7373Brad Brune, operating on his normal Brune Standard time, arrived late and after the group photo had been taken. He always likes to make a grand entrance.

The Group

Mary Steinhoff at CHS '66 lunch 07-28-2014Here are the folks who showed up (minus Brune). It looks like Mother has been accepted into the Class of 1966. I just hope they can keep up with her. (Her October Birthday Season is approaching. She’ll be 93.)