They’re Building Kids Bigger

Ken Steinhoff in Air Force uniform c 1953One of my most prized possessions as a kid was an air force uniform my folks bought me when I was in kindergarten or the first grade. I have no idea where they bought it – I’m going to guess Buckner-Ragsdale – nor why. We didn’t have a family tradition of military service, but I was sure proud to wear it.

It must have been buried back in Cape because I don’t recall taking any photos of Sons Matt and Adam in it.

We almost waited too long

Malcolm Steinhoff in Ken Steinhoff's Air Force uniformIt surfaced almost too late for Grandson Malcolm to put it on. The pants and sleeves were way too long, but the jacket was snug on him.

It’s Graham’s turn

Graham Steinhoff in Ken Steinhoff's air force uniform 05-12-2014When we went out to see Grandsons Graham and Elliot the other night, I said we should take the uniform with us to see if it would fit 3-year-old Graham. Wife Lila said it was way too big for him.

She was both right and wrong. The jacket sleeves were so long she had to roll them up, but he was big enough around that she had a hard time getting the buttons fastened. It’s hard to believe that a boy his age would be bigger in the chest than I was when I was 5 or 6. It’s not like there’s a dollop of fat on him, either.

He’s Buzz Lightyear

Graham Steinhoff in Ken Steinhoff's air force uniform 05-12-2014Graham wasn’t exactly clear what air force guys do, but he was prepared to save the world as Buzz Lightyear. We’ll have to keep a close eye on Elliot, who just turned 16 months old, to make sure he doesn’t outgrow the outfit in the next year.

Plumeria AKA Frangipani

Frangipani 05-12-2014I usually leave garden and flower stuff to Wife Lila who has a gardening blog, but I couldn’t resist posting these photos taken outside the doorway to Adam and Carly’s house Thursday night when we went out to see the grandkidlettes. We’ve got some Frangipani outside our dining room window, but I don’t think they are as striking as these.

Wikipedia says the clue to growing the plant – also known as the Hawaiian Lei Flower – is a careful balance of water and sun. We must have hit that balance by accident because Lila broke off some branches of an existing plant and stuck them in the ground where they are growing happily and flowering like they were part of the original plant.

Click on the photos to make them larger.

Fragrant flowers are a tease

Frangipani 05-12-2014The flowers, the article said, are most fragrant at night in order to lure sphinx moths to pollinate them. The flowers have no nectar, however, and simply dupe their pollinators. The moths inadvertently pollinate them by transferring pollen from flower to flower in their fruitless search for nectar.


Putting a Lid on It

Hat display unknown storeThere are plenty of hat selections for the well-dressed man in this photo from March 1957. Picking out the right head covering must have been a family affair.

Unfortunately, I don’t know who the people are nor in which store it was taken. None of the signs on the wall give a clue.

Was it taken here?

Midnight Madness 1964 14Based on the HATS sign, it looks like it was taken at the same store that is in Frame 13 of a Midnight Madness sale I shot in 1964.


Scrawls, Nixon and a Couch

Sam Rawls 4I was rummaging through a box and ran across two cartoons drawn by Scrawls, the Palm Beach Post’s editorial cartoonists in the ’70s.

Sam Rawls is his real name, but we all called him Scrawls. (People who REALLY know him call him Scooter, but I never achieved that level of closeness.)

He left The Post to go to our Big Sister paper in Atlanta, where he stuck around about seven years. I lost track of where he was, and was almost afraid to Google him because I was afraid the trail would lead to an obit.

Fortunately, there’s still some ink left in his pen.

Speaking Southern

Sam Rawls 3Long before Jeff Foxworthy came along with his “You might be a redneck if…” shtick, Post columnist Steve Mitchell wrote a book  How to Speak Southern, illustrated by Sam. It was followed by More How to Speak Southern, followed by a combination of the two marketed as The Complete How to Speak Southern. Click on the links to order a copy from Amazon and make both Sam and me a few pennies.

Sam has always cared about the environment. He’s been drawing cartoons to support the Initiative to Protect Jekyll Island. Take a look at some of his artwork skewering developers. I’m sure he is more effective at getting the point across than a whole forest of position papers.

Getting back to the cartoons

Sam Rawls Nixon Cartoons 2When Sam was packing up his office to go to the Big Time, I walked in to seeing him ripping up scads of his old cartoons. “What in the world are you doing?” I cried in a horrified tone.

“They’ve already been published, and I don’t want them floating around where somebody will sell them, so I’m tearing them up.”

I managed to convince him to let me make off with these two Nixons from the Watergate era. One one he wrote a flattering message, “To Ken – The best button-pusher I know;” on the other, a more Scrawlsian “To Ken – if you sell it – make sure you get a good price.”

The story of the couch

Sam Rawls Nixon CartoonsNewspapers were a little less politically correct (and a lot more fun) in the old days. They were inhabited by misfits on their way up and on their way down, and characters were the rule instead of the exception.

The photo department had a small room we called the Wire Room. It was used for storage and housed the Associated Press wirephoto transmitter. At one time, before I was hired, it contained an old black couch with an indeterminate covering. It looked like leather, but it was probably some substance not occurring in nature.

Someone told me that a homeless hooker used to walk Dixie Highway in front of the paper, and the photographers, being tenderhearted, offered her the couch as a place to sleep. Management got wind of their largess and said the couch had to go. [Checking the definition of “largess,” I’m not sure that’s exactly the right word: “Something given to someone without expectation of a return,” but, like I said, that all happened before I got to West Palm Beach…]

The couch was exiled to Sam’s office where it was assumed nothing nefarious would ever go on, said my source.

Couch Version II

Sam Rawls 2When I finally tracked Sam down this evening (he had been dodging torrential rain in Conyers, Georgia, where he lives), I had to ask him what happened to the couch. I thought I remembered management shipping it to him as a joke when he left.

“That was my couch. I bought it. I’ve never heard the hooker story.”

We were both appalled that someone made up that story to pull my leg. On the other hand, we agreed that it was too good a story to cut out. If I outlive Sam, it’ll go back to being the Hooker Couch.

What is your favorite cartoon?

Sam RawlsAs soon as I asked what Sam considered his favorite cartoon, I cringed, knowing how I feel when someone asks about my favorite photo. Sam came back with an answer that I’m liable to steal, “I hope it’s the one on my drawing board the day I die.”

Just for the record, I didn’t shoot any of these photos. They came from a box we called “Party Pix,” a collection of staff photos going back to the early or mid-60s. If you doubt my earlier statement about working with characters, you need to take a walk down memory lane with me and that box.