A Tale of Two Bridges

Cape Rock Dr bridge 08-12013_8187Well, three, if you count the old one. I was glad to see the new bridge on Cape Rock Drive at Dennis Scivally Park was open for traffic. I use that stretch a lot if I’m going downtown.

It’s Kingsway to Janet Drive (my old paper route), then Cape Rock to Perry, then Broadway to downtown. I don’t know if it’s really faster, but it feels like there is less traffic.

“Look at the kids in the creek”

Dennis Schvally Park and Cape Rock bridge 08-12-2013Mother and I were coming back from Hamburger Express with an order of catfish (and a double order of potato salad), when she said, “Look at the kids wading in the creek.” You can’t pass up an opportunity like that: a new bridge and kids in the creek. A wild art situation every photographer dreams about.

The whole brood was made up of Hashelders, but Audrey (7) and Graham (5) were from Cape; Colin (3) and Ian (5) were from Virginia Beach. I heard one of them ask, “Are there alligators in this creek?”

I’m going to bet that person was NOT from Cape.

Dennis Scivally Bridge

Dennis Schvally Park and Cape Rock bridge 08-12-2013I’ll count this as Bridge Two. It’s the 1941 bridge built to honor Dennis Scivally.

New bridge cost $508,000

Cape Rock Dr. from Dennis Scivally Park 04-24-2011The Missourian said it cost $508,000 to replace the old box culvert structure with a new, wider single span bridge. Click on the photos to make them larger.

East Side Cemetery

East Side Cemetery AKA Denhart Cemetery - Russell Street 08-06-2013When Jennifer Schwent and I went to New Madrid to see if we could find the people who were in my 1967 Mississippi River baptism photos, we met a very nice and very helpful woman who told us some interesting stories about Pastor B.B. Gillespie. The march to the Mississippi started at his Church of God in Christ church. When I mentioned that I had heard that the church had burned down since my last visit, the helpful woman’s voice dropped and she said, “I wouldn’t go down there. It’s too dangerous.”

“Ma’am, Russell Street is only about three or four blocks long. I’ve walked it from end to end knocking on doors and chatting with people on their porches. I’ve been to church services there. No one has been anything but friendly and helpful.”

“Well, I wouldn’t feel safe down there,” she warned again.

As we cruised the length of Russell Street, we did get a long look from a gaggle of young men gathered on one street corner, but that’s to be expected when a strange van with Florida tags drives by gawking. We stopped in front of the ruins of the church, but it didn’t make a picture worth getting out of the car in the light rain..

East Side – Denhart Cemetery

East Side AKA Denart Cemetery - Russell St. New Madrid 08-06-2013Across the street, we noticed a fenced-in expanse of green grass with what appeared to be grave markers scattered around in it. “I’m not afraid to get out and take a closer look,” Jennifer volunteered.

“I like you, kid,” I said, opening the door.

Only about 15 graves identified

East Side Cemetery AKA Denhart Cemetery - Russell Street 08-06-2013We wandered the cemetery wondering just how many people were buried in a space that large. The City of New Madrid website says that nine of the 114 cemeteries in New Madrid County are located in the city. The one we were visiting on Russell Street goes by two names: the East Side Cemetery and the Denhart Cemetery. According to a document on the website, only about 15 graves are marked and / or identified.

The Find A Grave website lists 123 interments, and only about 11% of them have been photographed.

Those must be the scary people

East Side AKA Denart Cemetery - Russell St. New Madrid 08-06-2013While there, we heard raucous laughter and talk coming from the street corner about a block and half away. “Those must be the people we’re supposed to be afraid of,” I said. “Let’s go meet them.”

We walked up the group of five or six men and a woman. Turning to one of the men, I said, “Your beard is about as gray as mine, so you might be able to help me.” I explained our mission, then went back to the van to bring back a stack of baptism photos.

You need to talk with my mother

East Side AKA Denart Cemetery - Russell St. New Madrid 08-06-2013A small crowd gathered to look at the pictures. From time to time, someone would come up with a name, but they were of older people, all of whom were long dead. “You need to talk with my mother,” the grayest beard said. “She’s 90 years old and knows everybody.”

“Are you going to be on this street corner if I come back in a few months?” I asked him. The answer was yes, so I guess we have a date for the fall.

And, that’s how Jennifer and I escaped death or worse on the mean streets of New Madrid.

Butterflies Flutter By

Bees and Butterflies 08-08-2013The butterfly bush (I think that’s what it’s called) out in Mother’s front yard was a clutter of flutter with butterflies and bees this week.

Tattered butterfly

Bees and Butterflies 08-08-2013I felt sorry for this guy. He (or she) has been around the block and is the worse for wear. I know exactly how he (or she) feels.

Photo gallery

Click on any image to make it larger, then click on the side of the image to move through the gallery.

Parting, Such Sweet Sorrow

Steinhoff family Cape 08-09-2013This will be the last family post for awhile. Sons Adam and Matt left Mother’s house in Cape Friday for parts north and south, eventually to wind up back in Florida. The house is a lot quieter tonight, but it also feels empty.

I have to have my car serviced on Tuesday, then I need to think about breaking down my computers, packing up and heading back to Florida. I THINK I still live there.

Photo gallery of the goodbyes

These are mostly for our family, but you’re welcome to click on any photo to maker it larger, then click on the sides to move through the gallery.