Cape Girardeau Sand Company

Cape Girardeau Sand Co 06-19-1967While cruising around looking for flood photos, I stopped at the Cape Girardeau Sand Company for a couple of shots. David Hente had a good piece on the sand company in the August 30, 1992, Missourian. At that time, Cape Sand had been in business 75 years and was the largest company of its type between Cape and Chester, Ill. (In another month, the river was higher.)

Family-owned business

Cape Girardeau Sand Co 06-19-1967The company was created in 1919 when Peter Deimund and his son, Linder, launched the business with a capital investment of $5,510. When the story was written, it was still a family business. Members include Linder P. Deimund, Jr., who helped construct a sand conveyor system with his father and who does all the maintenance work; Richard Deimund, the pilot of the sand dredge Miss Catherine; Jerry Beckett, deckhand on the Miss Catherine; Jeff Deimund, clamshell shovel operator; Gary Hester, front-end loader operator in the sand yard, and office manager Sonny Deimund.

Business started at the foot of Themis

Cape Girardeau Sand Co - 300 Block N Main c 1964The company’s first site was at the foot of Themis Street, then it moved north to Broadway. In 1924, the Deimund family bought riverfront property in the 300 block of North Main Street. This is where I took this photo around 1964. It was supposed to be an arty silhoutte. It ended up neither arty nor a good record shot.

The building in the background with the white on it has a hanging sign that says “North American Van Lines.” Across the front of the building is lettering that says something “& Storage.” I’m going to guess that was Nichols Transfer and Storage listed at 447 North Main Street in the 1969 City Directory. The sand company moved to its final location in the 1300 block of Water Street in 1963.

Red Star and Cape Sand Co

Aerial photo of Cape Girardeau Sand Co and Red Star District 04-17-2011This aerial showing the Cape Girardeau Sand Company and what is left of the Red Star District was taken April 17, 2011. The concrete pad at the left of the photo is what we used to call Honker’s Boat Dock. To the left of Sloan Creek is the area that is being cleared for the Isle Casino Cape Girardeau. The light-colored building at the top center is the Show-Me Center.

Housekeeping note

The program that sent out email notifications when I posted new material quit working. Son Matt installed a new one that we hope will work more reliably. We’ll find out soon if everyone’s email address transferred over. If you haven’t signed up for a free subscription, put your email address in the box at the top right of the page and press Subscribe Now. You’ll get an email confirming that you are you. Click on it and you are in business. You may unsubscribe at any time (but we’ll hate to see you go.)



Mississippi River Water Haul

Shoe Factory looking south from Sloan Creek 06-19-1967Firefighters call a false alarm a “water haul.” I had a water haul on April 19. 1967. I saw that The Missourian was going to run some stories that the Mississippi was reaching flood stage, so I cruised around shooting “wild art” hoping that jBlue might be looking for something to illustrate them. Unfortunately for my pocketbook, the water never got high enough that it warranted more than brief stories with no pictures.

The river WAS backing up into Sloan Creek, but it had a long way to go before it was going to cause any problems in the Red Star District. That’s the shoe factory in the background. Here is a history of one of Cape’s leading employers, now the site of the casino.

Honker’s Boat Dock

Honker Boat Dock 06-19-1967 4This youngster is tempting fate at Honker’s Boat Dock. You can see the water get higher in these photos taken in June.


Now Beautify Central (NBC) Week

Now Beaufiy Central (NBC) Week 04-29-1967Barrelling Along: Centralites “barrelled” along this week, planting shrubs, cleaning seats and picking up litter as part of NBC (Now Beautify Central) Week,” read the caption on The Missourian’s Youth Page April 29, 1967. “Busily painting the school’s trash barrels are, from left, Jim Froemsdorf (committee chairman), son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Froemsdorf, 1619 Schivally; Gene Feuerhahn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Feuerhahn, 1721 Perryville road, and Rommie Holland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Holland, 1509 East Riverside.

Planting shrubs

Now Beaufiy Central (NBC) Week 04-29-1967One guy digging, one guy thinking about digging, one guy supervising. The sign, by the way, was a gift of the Class of 1965. I pushed for something more academic, like books for the library, but we ended up with a sign that disappeared after a relatively short number of years. Young whippersnappers should note the absence of any air conditioning units sticking out of the windows. When it turned hot, we studied hot. Fortunately, only freshmen had to chop wood to warm the classrooms in the winter.

Scavenger hunt

Now Beaufiy Central (NBC) Week 04-29-1967These students are on a hunt for any salvageable pieces of gum stuck to the seats. The group in the back appears to be hot on the trail of a good piece. The foreground students seem a bit less enthusiastic.

Cheerleader tryouts

Central High School cheerleader tryouts 04-29-1967

I must have walked through the gym during cheerleader tryouts because it’s on the same roll as the NBC photos. That might be PE teacher Ellen Towse on the right. The man in the middle might be Calvin Chapman.

The picture is pretty much unremarkable, but I DO sort of like the shadows on the floor.

Housekeeping Note

Some of you have accused me of slacking off the past few days because you haven’t gotten an email in the morning telling you that there is new content. For some strange reason, the program that sends those out has hiccuped. Son Matt and I have done everything but sacrifice a chicken to get it going. I hope it wakes up in the morning. Be assured that you can go directly to the site without me nudging you. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Images for Easter

Bald Knob Cross near Alto Pass, Ill. taken in the late 1960sSeeing all of the religious pictures on Facebook this week go me to thinking of how many photos of crosses I have taken in the area over the years. Here are just a few, with links to the original stories. You may click on any photo to make it larger.  This is an aerial of the Bald Knob Cross taken not long after it was built.

Egypt Mills Trinity Lutheran Church

Trinity Lutheran Church in Egypt Mills 04-20-2011Egypt Mills Trinity Lutheran Church steeple.

Joseph Putz Grave

Joseph Putz grave St Johns Lutheran Church Pocahontas 04-19-2011Joseph Putz’s metal grave marker in the St. John’s Lutheran Church cemetery in Pocahontas.

High Hill Church

High Hill Church and Cemetery on CR 535 north of Neely's Landing 10-30-2011This simple church sits high on a ridge north of Neely’s Landing.

“Judas got a raw deal”

Kenneth Saunders of the Church of Judas walks through Cape 07-16-1965Kenneth Saunders walked more than 4,000 miles to deliver the message that “Judas got a raw deal.”

Trinity Lutheran Church at dusk

Trinity Lutheran Church steeple at sunset 11-16-2011I was walking back to my car after shooting another photo when I spotted Trinity Lutheran Church at dusk.

Cape LaCroix Creek marker

Cape La Croix Creek Cross 04-21-2011This concrete cross has a plaque: “In 1699, Fathers Montigny, Davion and St. Cosme, French missionaries, erected a cross where this stream entered the Mississippi and prayed that this might be the beginning of Christianity among the Indians. The stream has ever since been known as Cape La Croix Creek.” The cross, which had been at the intersection of Kingshighway and Kingsway from 1947 to 2009, when it was moved so a commercial building could be built on the site. Ironically, the marker has never been located close to where the Mississippi River and Cape LaCroix Creek intersect.

Dutchtown cemetery

Cemetery on top hill in Dutchtown 10-27-2011This cross is in a tiny cemetery located on a high ridge overlooking the ever-diminishing Dutchtown.

Nelsonville cross on a hill

Nelsonville 02-24-2013I spotted this cross in Nelsonville, Ohio, on my recent trip back to Ohio University.

Modern-art cross

Old Notre Dame High School 11-25-2011At first glance, I thought the front of the old Notre Dame High School had been covered with graffiti.

Tower of Memories

Cape County Memorial Park Cemetery Tower of Memories 11-05-2010Newspaper accounts said the 57-foot tall, 16′ x 16′ Tower of Memories at the Cape County Memorial Park Cemetery would have three stories: the bottom floor would contain an office and the second and third floors would house the Celesta-Vox, touted as “The Voice from the Heavens.”

St. Vincent’s at sunset

St. Vincent's Church at sunset 07-03-2012I was hoping to shoot the full moon and fireworks when St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church caught my eye.

St. Eisleben Lutheran Church

Eisleben Lutheran Church Scott City 10-16-2011The St. Eisleben Lutheran Church in Scott City has one of the most unusual steeples I’ve seen.

Altenburg Trinity Lutheran Church

Trinity Lutheran Church Altenburg MoAn “inland hurricane” took the steeple off the Trinity Lutheran Church in Altenburg, but you could never tell it today when you look at the 1867 structure..