Student vs Faculty Basketball

I see some of the Central High School coaches and teachers playing against students in these photos from, I’m guessing, 1966 or 1967.That’s Coach Robert Goodwin in the background. He and I had an uneasy relationship as I described in my PE experience story.

The scoreboard showed the Visitors ahead 20 to 14, but I don’t know who was considered Home. If the faculty was ahead, they worked for it: they appear to be sweating more than the boys.

Math teacher Ralph Ford

Math teacher Ralph Ford looks like he’s revving up for takeoff . He doesn’t seem to notice the ball is behind him.

Stands are full

The stands are packed, but I must have caught them in a calm moment. I think I recognize Jane McKeown and Tom Mueller in the crowd, but I’d hate to put money on it.

Photo gallery of basketball game

Since I’m weak on the IDs, I’ll just post a gallery of photos. Feel feel to identify the players and students. Does anyone remember who won and by how much? Click on any photo to make it larger, then click on the left or right side of the image to move through the gallery.



1956 Cape Girardeau Moo Juice

Cape Girardeans had quite a few choices of local milk products in 1956.

Here’s a full-page ad for Sunny Hill in the 1956 Sesquicentennial book. Do you remember the plastic “Twin Pak” handles? Were they green?

Schonhoff Dairy Farms

Schonhoff Dairy Farms wanted to know if you were concerned about getting the best milk possible for your family. They’d deliver it “fresh” to your door. I always wonder why people use quote marks for emphasis.

Keeping Pace with Cape Girardeau

The Midwest Dairy Products Division of City Products Corporation has been bringing you quality dairy products for more than 25 years, they bragged.


I remember Pevely more for ice cream than milk.

Sugar Creek Creamery

I don’t remember them, but they must have the “Cape Girardeau Manufactured Best Cream Butter” because it’s in quotes. Suedekum Electronic Supply Company has a pretty fancy type font for their logo.




Fruitland Quarry in News Again

Fruitland’s Strack Quarry is back in the news again. I’m not even going to try to figure out what the latest wrangle is all about. I’ll let you go to Keith Lewis‘ story in The Missourian to try to figure out how a quarry that had approval to operate and which has moved a bunch of overburden and started poking a big hole in the ground can be told to put the brakes on.

When I was home last summer, I climbed a berm in on the south side of the Saxony Lutheran High School and shot a 360-degree panorama with the school behind me and a graveled area that is on the quarry property in front of me. I’ve marked the photo with compass directions to make it a little clearer. Click on the photo to make it larger.

Aerial looking north

I took this aerial photo April 17, 2011. The quarry property would be at the bottom of the picture.The yellow X marks the approximate place I was standing when I took the panorama. Highway 61 is at the top left. The Y-shaped building near the center of the photo is the high school.

Google Map shows scope of work


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This Google Map will give you an idea of how much land has been cleared for the project. If I’m reading the latest ruling correctly, the pit itself is outside the 1,000-foot latest requirement, but the latest interpretation would require the whole operation to be 1,000 feet away, even though the north end of the property alongside CR 601 is behind a berm that is as high as the rooftop of the school.

Area quarry stories



Brother David’s Birthday

I promised to have more and better photos this year than I did last year on Brother David’s birthday, but I had forgotten how quickly the pages on the calendar turn. This is the best I could do. Maybe next year.

The first shot shows David and Diane with their rental trailer. I’m guessing this is when they moved to Tulsa.

This is why they have girls

This double exposure showing David and Diane with their trailer also exposes Son Matt. I’m not sure, but I think this experience may be why the couple had girl children and their daughter, Kim, has girls.

Lined up at the trailer

Here we all are lined up in front of the travel trailer my folks bought to keep over at Wil-Vera Village on Kentucky Lake. The quarters were a bit tight. Wife Lila (who took the picture) was happy when Dad traded it off for a full-blown mobile home not long after this photo was taken. David and Mark are both sporting full heads of hair. I’m in that awkward transitional comb-over stage before becoming good-looking like Dad.

Love the details

Let’s see, David’s shoe is untied. Mark is tired out from carrying his hammer around looking for something to hit. The tricycle has a load of animal crackers on the rear deck. Note the red reflector tape on the trike. Dad bought it by the mile in widths from one inch to four inches and in white and red. I still have some kicking around. As always, you can click on the photos to make them larger.

So, Happy Birthday, Brother. I hope it’s a good one.

More David Stories

If you go to last year’s birthday, I have a link to a bunch of stories about my middle brother. Not on that list is David as a clown. A play clown.