Lohmann Fixture Company

Lohmann Fixture Company is about the only old building left in what used to be called Smelterville. You have to look hard to see it peeking above South Sprigg Street.

The road has been raised to keep it from flooding. Seeing how far Lohmann’s is below street level will give you an idea how low the community was and why it flooded every few years.

Lohmann’s in 2008

Brother Mark and I paused on one of our bike rides to shoot a few photos of the building in 2008.

Lohmann’s in 2010

Niece Laurie Everett wanted to go on a photo ramble in the fall of 2010. We spent some time down at the 1929 railroad bridge over Cape LaCroix Creek, then we did some “peeling paint” photos of the old building.

Tool Ghosts

I always like to spot traces of things no longer there.

Not much info on business

I saw some Missourian briefs about rummage sales to be held in the building, but not many other stories. The 1968 City Directory had a listing for Lohmann Fixture Company at 2300 South Sprigg. The building has 2200 on the front of it, but I assume it’s the same business. Clarence A. Lohmann was listed as the president of the company.

Clarence A. Lohmann

I found an obituary for Clarence A. Lohmann in the October 13,2008, Missourian.

Clarence A. Lohmann, 89, of Cape Girardeau died Sunday, Oct. 12, 2008 at The Lutheran Home in Cape Girardeau.

He was born May 11, 1919, in Cape Girardeau, son of Edward and Emma Kohlfeld Lohmann. He and Vera (Felter)Lohmann were married Nov. 18, 1939, in Chaffee, Mo.

Served in World War II

Lohmann was owner of Lohmann Supply Co. and Semo Leasing for 60 years. He served in the U.S. Navy in World War II and was a member of VFW Post 3838 and American Legion Post 63. He was a member of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, where he served as Eucharistic Minister, and was a member of Cursillo, St. Vincent Society Men’s Club. He also was a member of Father Marquette Knights of Columbus 11205 and Thomas A. Langen 4th Degree Council and served as Faithful Navigator. He belonged to the Jesuit White House Retreat.

He was a former member of the Jaycees and charter member of the Exchange Club of Cape Girardeau for 50 years. He formerly belonged to Kimbeland Country Club and the Refrigeration Service Engineer Society. He graduated from Rankin Technical School of St. Louis.

Mr. Lohmann’s family

Survivors include his wife, Vera Lohman of Cape Girardeau; a son, Dan (Tammy) Lohmann of Cape Girardeau; a daughter, Jane Lohmann of Houston; a grandson, Kirk Lohmann of Cape Girardeau; and a brother, Elmer Lohmann of Scott City.

He was preceded in death by his parents; three brothers, Elvis Lohmann, Arnold Lohmann and Richard Lohmann; and a sister, Erma Richter.

Photo gallery of Lohmann’s Fixture Company

Here are a few more photos of the building, including an aerial. Click on any photo to make it larger, then click on the left or right side of the image to move through the gallery.

Ties That Bind

There’s a closet in the basement that contains some clothes dating back to just past the middle of the last century. (Sure sounds old when you put it that way.)

When you open the door, you see an assortment of neckties. I recognize some of those – and, no, I’m not going to tell you which ones – once adorned my neck. Most of them are fakes.

Cops wear “breakaway” ties so that the bad guys can’t grab them by the necktie and strangle them. Of course, it’s MY contention that strangulation is the primary goal of the necktie.

Knots known to sailors and serial killers

I was a Boy Scout who earned the Pioneering Merit Badge. Not only could I tie every required knot, I enjoyed playing around with ones known only to sailors and serial killers. The only knot that I’ve never been able to master is a necktie.

Even though I got to cover Queen Elizabeth because I was the only guy on the staff with a suit, I’ve had to depend on fakes and Wife Lila to drape respectability around my neck.

Two instructions

My family has two instructions for the day when there will be “two at my head, two at my feet and two to carry me when I die:”

  1. Not in a necktie.
  2. Not in Florida.

Obligatory Isaac report

We came through Tropical Storm Isaac in pretty good shape. The rains pretty much moved on by early evening, but Son Adam, who lives west of town in a rural area got between 10 and 15 inches of rain. His house is on a high pad about three feet above the water, but he has huge Koi (“ornamental varieties of domesticated common carp”) swimming in his front yard. I warned him that alligators have been know to use those as bait, so I wouldn’t get close to them.

Our Comcast Internet connection is still down, so this is going to be a short post tonight.

Isaac Visits West Palm Beach

Shooting hurricanes is tough. Not only do you have to deal with being wet and miserable (not to mention worrying about a piece of flying tin roof taking your head off), but still photos don’t capture the sounds and movement of the storm. TV guys can make a nothing storm look scary by shooting water gushing out of a drain spout or stop signs going whipity-whipity-whipity.

Hurricane Kate in 1987

I shot these two national guardsmen being told they should abandon their checkpoint and seek shelter because the winds of Hurricane Kate were getting dangerous. About 30 minutes later, a reporter and I were on the second floor of a motel talking to some folks we had spotted watching the storm from their window.

“How long have you been hearing that sound?” I asked one of them.

“Quite awhile,” he answered. “What is it?”

“That’s the sound of nails pulling out of wood.” Just then, the suspended ceiling collapsed, drenching us with water. A couple of heartbeats after that, we were looking at sky because the roof of the motel had peeled off and been deposited in the parking lot behind us.

We went down to the first floor where a bunch of utility workers were waiting to hit the streets. The reporter asked if she could use their phone to check in with the office. One of the workers offered a bottle of Jack Daniels and a glass while she was talking to the city desk. She waved off the glass, snatched up the bottle of Jack and upended it. I think it was her first hurricane.

Tropical Storm Isaac a wimp

I guess I should withhold judgement. We’ve had some power flickers (some folks have been dark for hours) and our cable TV service is out, along with our Internet connection. A UPS has smoothed out the flickers and I’m using a Verizon wireless card to file this post.

Except for rain bands that have been coming in waves all day, it hasn’t been too bad, not much worse than a strong summer thunderstorm.

Video of the wind and rain

Wife Lila took all but the opening shot of this video. I’m going to have to confess to napping through most of the heavier stuff in the late afternoon. I figure if I don’t hear the sound of nails pulling out of wood, then there’s nothing to get excited about.

By the way, it’s a well-known fact that preparing for hurricanes causes them to go somewhere else.

Preparing for Hurricanes

Tropical storm and hurricane warnings are something you get used to in Florida. It’s not a matter of IF, it’s a matter of WHEN. We’ve been coasting since the 2004-2005 season when four hurricanes passed over us, so I used the prospects of a brush from a Category One storm to check out the generator and take inventory. (Click on any photo to make it larger.) Looks like you folks might get a little rain out of this one. I hope it’s not like Ike that missed us but blew down trees in the Midwest.

Hurricane supplies

I’ve always been a disaster buff. I chased 13 hurricanes for the paper and wrote the hurricane coverage plans for the newsroom. When I moved into telecommunications, my staff was responsible for figuring out how to keep the phones and networks linking our remote offices up as long as possible. I took a lot of ribbing for my multiple layers of redundancy, but it paid off. Generally we never had to touch Plans C, D and E.

We have a 10×30 shed in our back yard. A 10×10 section is where I keep old prints, film and clips, plus my bikes. A 6×10 section has a workbench and tools; the back 4×10 room contains the pump for our sprinkler system, garden tools and the hurricane supplies.

This shelf has tarps, extension cords and a plastic container with Coleman air mattresses from the days when I had to camp out at the office for the duration of the storm. We’ve been lucky that we haven’t had to use the blue tarps except to make a covering for the generator. I did loan a couple of 30×30 tarps to a coworker who had a tree go through her roof.

Hurricane Central

I finally got the supplies organized where they are easy to find and deploy. The Generac 7550 EXL generator is stored under a shelf and next to the aluminum storm panels that cover the doors and windows. On the shelf above the storm panels are miscellaneous items like cans of Fix-A-Flat. The streets are full of nails and debris after the storm. We found the two most valuable things to carry were Rain-X for driving DURING the storm and Fix-A-Flat for driving AFTER the storm. You’re on your own and there aren’t many places open to patch tires.

I have extra oil and several oil filters for the generator, plus the wrench needed to change them. (It’s smaller than your car filter and a bear to get to.) There are nylon tie-downs to strap our aluminum awnings down to keep them from acting like big kites. I have two electric chainsaws with spare chains and chain oil. (I prefer electric to gas because they don’t require as much care. They aren’t as powerful as gas, but I have a whole lot better luck with them.)

Aluminum hurricane panels

I used sheets of 3/4-inch plywood to cover the windows for years, but it was heavy and took up lots of room. In the early 2000s, I switched to aluminum panels. I wish I could have afforded accordion shutters or hurricane-rated windows, but what I bought was a big improvement over plywood. The coffee can and plastic box contain the hardware to put up the shutters. When I finish with it, I spray it down good with silicone spray to make it spin on easier the next time.

If one of the kids is available to help, we can cover the whole house in about two hours.

I love my generator

After Hurricane Hugo, I bought a 300-watt generator and didn’t use it for 10 years. Even at that, I considered it a bargain. After the first time I used it, I upgraded to a 7500-watt unit and bought an adapter that would let me run it on gasoline, natural gas or propane. (Kid Matt inherited the old one.) It was great not to have to run around buying and storing gasoline for storms that missed us. Running on natural gas meant that I didn’t have to run out to fill the tank every few hours, either. The best part was that I didn’t have to worry about the gas going stale and turning to varnish.

I tried to make a practice of dragging it out annually to crank it up for 10 or 15 minutes and change the oil and filter. I got sloppy and hadn’t done any maintenance on it for at least two years. The battery had been hooked up to a trickle charger, but it was going on eight years old and didn’t have enough oomph to start the motor. I yanked on the starter cord a couple of times and was rewarded with a satisfying throaty roar from the engine. A roar that lasted about eight seconds.

Yank, Yank, Yank ROARRRRR, silence

Yank, Yank, Yank, ROARRRRRR, eight seconds, silence. I was too old to do the yank, yank, yank part, and eight seconds wasn’t long enough for me to try to make any adjustments on the running engine. I went in search of a new battery. Eighty-two bucks?!?! It fit in a bracket that was on odd size, so you couldn’t just walk into your basic big box store and pick up a generic one.

I opted for a lawnmower batter for less than half that amount and hooked it up with a (too-long) length of  No. 6 gauge wire. Once I got the thing running, I figured I’d go back and make it pretty. It turned out to be more battery than I needed. Kid Adam has the same generator and the same dead battery problem. After seeing my experience, he opted for a less expensive, less powerful battery and found that the existing cables were long enough that he didn’t need the extension.

How to keep your generator

Generator theft is a big problem. I heard a story which is just strange enough to be true. If it’s not, it should be.

A guy put his generator right outside his bedroom window so he would know if anyone was fooling with it. It had enough power (like mine) to run a small window AC unit so he could sleep comfortably. About three in the morning he felt the room getting hot. The AC unit had shut off and the light at the side of the bed didn’t turn on. He couldn’t figure out what was wrong because he could hear his generator purring away outside the window. He grabbed a flashlight and went out to see if the cord had vibrated loose.

What he found was a lawnmower running where his generator used to be. Like I said, the story deserves to be true.

The frame of my generator is bolted down with the biggest chain I could find. If I get really paranoid, I’ll take the wheels and handles off it. It has a shipping weight of 270 pounds, so they’d have to REALLY want it to carry it off.

Load balancing is important

The gray box at the bottom of my breaker box is where I hook up the generator. The first step is to throw the main breaker to take us off the grid. I don’t want to be sending power down the line where it could electrocute some utility worker. If I balance the load properly, I can keep the refrigerator, ceiling fans and most of the wall receptacles going. A small window AC unit will cool one bedroom.

We use natural gas for the generator, stove, hot water heater and dryer, so we’re better off than most folks. During one of the recent storms, a major water main broke, cutting off water to a lot of the city. The generator kept our sprinkler pump going, so we ran a hose into the bathroom to flush the toilet. We had enough bottled water on hand for drinking and cooking.

Solar lights are great

If you’re looking for a great source of light, pick up a few Solar Garden Lights. They’re cheap, put out a lot of light and recharge in sunlight. They take AA batteries, so you could charge several and have them on hand or use regular AA alkalines if there hasn’t been enough sunlight to give them a full charge.

Chemical light sticks

Hit the party aisle for a handy light that doesn’t put out heat, stores practically forever, lasts eight to 12 hours and is inexpensive. Cyalume Chemical Light Sticks will give enough illumination to move around a room when they’re first activated. Even when they start to fade, you throw them on the floor to help your find your way down hallways.

We bought a bunch of them at the office to hang over door knobs to mark “safe rooms” that would have been the shelter places of last resort. We never got a storm that strong, fortunately.

Cops found a unique use for them in the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew. They didn’t have the manpower to process looters, so they would break open the plastic tube and splash the harmless glowing chemicals on the bad guys, saying “This is your one warning. If we see you glowing on the street again, we shoot.”