The negative sleeve is marked Round Barn 1966. There are some frames filed with the “Round Barn” shots that look like they might have been taken up around Old Appleton, but that doesn’t mean that these came from there.
Look at the craftsmanship in the curved roof trusses. It looks like the rounded part came off the bigger barn in the background. I don’t know if the building collapsed and was being stripped or if the whole thing was being torn down.
This looks like a new barn
Old barn wood used to be in high demand not so long ago, so I assumed this one was being torn down at first glance. On second glance, though, it’s in too good of shape to be razed. I’m almost positive that it’s a new barn going up.
Good-sized silos
Wherever this farm was, it had some pretty substantial silos. Again, look at the the way those curved pieces are fitted together out of 1-bys (from back in the days when a 1-by really was one inch thick). The white pieces in the foreground look like the side walls were pushed out when the roof came down.
Interior shot
I don’t know if this is the interior of the barn in the background of the first shot or if was another building. These are good-sized barns. I’m sure somebody will be able to identify them.