Mystery Cheerleaders

This is going to be one of my mystery posts. I don’t know who these girls are, what they are doing or even what town they were in.

I know that the house they’re practicing in front of is numbered 121. The trees have plenty of leaves, so it must be late summer or early fall, particularly since most of the girls are dressed in shorts. The year is sometime between 1963 and 1967.

Since these girls don’t look like anyone I remember as being Cape Central cheerleaders, I’m guessing that I might have shot this while cruising Jackson for The Jackson Pioneer. Of course, they could also have been from Notre Dame or College High.

Let me know if you recognize anyone.

Photo gallery of mystery cheerleaders or wannabe cheerleaders

(Click on any image to make it larger, click on the left or right side to step through the gallery.)

I Was a Lousy Date

She also serves who only sits and waits

(With apologies to English poet John Milton, who actually wrote, “They also serve who only stand and wait.”) That often mis-quoted line came to me when I saw this frame from the December 28, 1966 College High Tournament that pitted the Central High School Tigers against Delta .

The cute girl sitting at the left of the scorers table is Lila Perry (Class of 66). This week marks the 45th year since we started dating. This is also her birthday week, which prompted Bill Hopkins to write on her Facebook wall, “I know that being married to a man several decades older than you can be stressful at times.” Bill has, obviously honed his survival skills over the years.

She’s a treasure. Our dates weren’t like most other couple’s dates. Going to a sporting event meant she was  sitting in the stands or bleachers while I ran up and down the sidelines shooting pictures. While our classmates were paired up admiring the full moon from Cape Rock, we were in my basement darkroom processing film for the next day’s paper. I guess the orangish-yellowish safelight looked sort of like a full moon.

Instead of music, we listened to the police radio in my 1959 Buick LaSabre. Many an evening’s plans would get derailed when an interesting call came across the speaker. If you follow the link above, you’ll read of a few more of my transgressions.

It’s a wonder we were ever together long enough to have two great kids and a grandson. It’s amazing how much we all look alike.

The basketball bleacher shot was a good reminder to me of what a trooper she’s been to put up with my crazy lifestyle all these years.

Central High vs. Delta

The taller, six-seeded Tigers won 64-57 over the 11th-seeded Delta team, but The Missourian’s account the next day made it sound like a squeaker.

Delta played an aggressive game until the final minutes, when the Tigers bulled their way to layups. The Tigers went into the lead 56-66 as Terry Field connected with a free throw with 2:30 left.

From that point on, it was easy layups as Delta tried to get the ball and left the tall Tigers unguarded under the nets.

Both teams hit on 25 field goals and the Tigers made 14 of 24 charity tosses for the margin of victory. Delta made 7 of 15 and had only three chances from the free throw line in the last half. The lead changed hands 16 times and was tied nine times as the teams struggled.

Larry Johnson led the scoring with 23 points for the Tigers. Carl Eakins paced the Bobcats with 24 points and took game honors.

Cape Central High School Scoring

Field 12

Johnson 23

Blackiston 19

Kirkpatrick 6

Proctor 4

FG – 25

FT – 14 of 24

F – 11

Delta High School Scoring

Kight 7

Eakins 24

Below 8

Burnett 6

Cook 12

FG – 25

Ft – 7 of 12

F – 17

Gallery of photos from Cape Central vs. Delta

Click on any picture to make it larger, then click on the left or right size to move through the images.

Capaha Park, SE Hospital, Franklin School

Missourian photographer Fred Lynch had a Frony picture of the Capaha Park Lagoon being drained and being cleaned in 1962 in his f/8 and Be There blog. That reminded me that I had just seen some aerial photos I had taken of that area April 14, 1964, after the work had been completed.

I don’t know if Ernie Chiles and I had a mission this day or if we were just flying around for the fun of it. I’ll be publishing other photos from the flight from time to time.

This overall shot shows Capaha Park in the lower left-hand corner; Houck Stadium is up and to the left; the Cape Traffic bridge and the river are at the top; Franklin School is the large building with empty space behind it just to the right of center and Southeast Hospital is diagonally across the street from the park. The white smear at the top right is a reflection off the plane’s window. (Click on the photos to make them larger.)

Same photo, with Capaha Park area enlarged

Disturbing the peace

You can see two cars parked on Cherry Hill across from the Rose Garden. I remember the day with The Missourian’s cop reporter came back from checking the overnight police blotter.

“I’m never going to be able to get this in the paper, but it’s too good not to share. One of the items, in typical cop-speak, read, ‘While on routine patrol of Capaha Park, I noticed a crowd of people gathered around a car parked on Cherry Hill. The crowd dispersed when I approached. I shined my flashlight through the driver-side window and witnessed a couple in sexual congress. I tapped on the window. When they finished the act in which they were muchly engaged, I cited them for disturbing the peace.’ To my way of thinking,” the reporter continued, “the couple should have filed against the cop for disturbing the piece.”

If you look closely at the parking lot to the right of the swimming pool (the white area left of center), you can see something tall sticking up. I wonder if it’s part of the carnival rides Terry Hopkins mentioned in the post about the trains in Cape parks.

… I did notice that in the background on the middle shot you could see the the old carival rides that used to be in the park. Mike Stovall and I used to work for “Booty” King the guy who owned them. I think I made the princely sum of .35 an hour, plus we got a deal on a hot dog and coke each day! Big fun and living LARGE when you were fourteen! Thanks for bringing back this memory!

A view looking east from Caruthers

The front lawn of Central High School is at bottom right; Franklin School is in the right center; Southeast Hospital is at left center; the road running from left to right at the bottom of the photo is Caruthers. The curvy road at the left is Broadway. I always thought of Broadway as being fairly straight, but it has some significant curves.

Franklin School neighborhood

Franklin School is in the middle. Independence runs diagonally at the right; Themis is just to the right of Franklin School and Broadway runs in front of Capaha Park.

I’m curious about the large white house at the bottom of the photo. It has a street or driveway that looks like a question mark leading to and around it. It looks like something I should remember, but I’m drawing a blank. Anyone?

Southeast Hospital at night in 2009

When I was in Cape last fall, I played around with some night time exposures of buildings along Broadway (and Wimpy’s). The tiny Southeast Hospital of 1964 has grown to gobble up the surrounding neighborhood.

Pfister’s Drive-in

Missourian photographer Fred Lynch and I have been searching like crazy for photos of Pfisters. He came up with some in his Jan. 11, 2009, f/8 and Be There blog.

This is the first one I’ve been able to find. This single shot was on the end of a roll of undated pictures I had taken of the SEMO football team working out on a trampoline. It’s definitely Pfisters because of its round shape, the ordering speakers and the  “HERO” sign in the far upper left.

Hero sandwiches were the signature specialties at Pfisters. The guy behind the wheel ordering looks a little like Tom Holt, but I won’t swear to it. Anybody else want to make a guess?

I can’t quite read the menu

I tried to enlarge and enhance the menu in the photo, but I can’t do the magic that you see on Bones where they take a fuzzy picture with half the pieces missing and have it suddenly appear razor sharp.

I can make out that Reuben Sandwiches were available. You could wash them down with a Hawaiian Cooler for 20 cents or an Ice Cream Soda for a quarter. A chocolate milk was 10 or 25 cents, depending on size.

Click on the picture to make it larger. Maybe your eyes are better than mine.

I hope to stumble across more pictures of the drive-in.

Weekend nights saw an endless stream of traffic cruising between Pfisters and Wimpy’s. I documented the Wimpy’s piece a couple of days ago.

A Chinese restaurant replaced Pfisters