Is It True?

Jackson sunset-moon rise 07-30-2015Wife Lila and I were over in Jackson to see Carla Jordan at the new Cape Girardeau County History Center on Thursday. All the parking was taken up, so we circled the block hoping a spot would open up. Just as I turned west, she let out a shriek, “Stop the car!!!”

I thought I might have run over an armadillo or something, so I locked down the brakes. It turned out that she had seen the almost full moon and wanted to get out to take a photo of it.

I shot an obligatory photo of the orb, but that wasn’t what got ME excited.

A great nerve

Jackson sunset-moon rise 07-30-2015In the early ’90s, I attended a conference on telephone technology where the cover of one of the handouts featured the 1851 Nathaniel Hawthorne quote below. That’s about the only thing I remember from the conference, truth be told.

Is it a fact—or have I dreamt it—that by means of electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time? Rather, the round globe is a vast head, a brain, instinct with intelligence: or shall we say it is itself a thought, nothing but thought, and no longer the substance which we dreamed it.

As soon as I saw the sunlight glinting off the utility lines, I thought of those lines. (You can click on the photos to make them larger.)

We’re already obsolete

Jackson sunset-moon rise 07-30-2015I just remembered one other thing about that conference. Another speaker broke the news that the new ACD (Automatic Call Distribution) telephone switch we had just spent close to half a million bucks on was already Old Technology. To prove it, he brandished a USA Today newspaper he had picked up in the lobby.

“Leaf through the ads in this paper,” he challenged. “See how many of them have a telephone number in them and then count how many contain a web address.”

I didn’t rush back to tell that to management.


Picture This

2015 CHS Reunion 08-01-2015I was going to write something profound about the 2015 reunion, but I need to let my thoughts simmer for awhile.

Maybe it’s my family’s brush with mortality lately; maybe it’s looking at that looping series of photos of our classmates who have graduated to the next level; maybe it’s just that the doggone stairs in the Arena building seem steeper than they used to. So, rather than post the rather melancholy thoughts that are floating around in my head right now, let’s just go straight to some happy pictures of the celebration we had.

2015 Reunion photo gallery

Click on any picture to make it larger, then use your arrow keys to move through the gallery. There are a lot of images of the photographer herding cats to set up the group shots. I’ll add that job to the list of career opportunities to avoid.

CHS 2015 Reunion

2015 CHS reunion 07-31-2015Folks from the 1960s decade of Central High School classes gathered at the Arena building for a mixer Friday night. We’re getting to be a grayer group, but Terry Hopkins can still don his letter sweater without splitting the seams. Others – too many of us – are no longer around.

I kept looking around wishing I could see Bill East, who was at the 2010 reunion. Alas, he was one of the good guys taken way too early by cancer in 2012.

I apologize for the quality of some of the photos. The building was dark as the inside of a whale’s belly, and the lighting color balance was all over the charts. Maybe I should say the fuzzy pictures were a feature to make us look better rather than a technical drawback.

Reunion photo gallery

Click on any photo to make it larger, then use your arrow keys to move through the gallery. On a personal note, thanks to all of you who said nice things about this blog and who told me how much they appreciated Mother, even though most of you had never met her in person.



Solving for the Unknown

'60s Decade 2015 Class Reunion T-shirtWhat do the numbers 1965, 2015, Miss Rixman and X all have in common?

They have to do with solving for the unknown.

Staring into the eyes of my 50th Central High School Reunion weekend, the unknown I can’t solve – like X in Miss Rixman’s algebra class – is where in the heck has half a century gone?

Past reunions