A couple of Cheri Pind portraits were on the roll with Tom Holt and his grilling extravaganza. I mostly knew Cheri as a cheerleader, which put her in a whole other social league. Since I didn’t exactly know them, I sort of categorized them.
Anne Buchanan had a classic beauty. Joni Tickel was the All American Girl Next Door who could look good even in those hideous gym uniforms.
Cherie had a twinkle in her eye that always said, “Go ahead and dare me.”
Sassy then, sassy now

Her bio in the Class of 1965 20th Reunion captured her sassy spirit. “Cherie does not work and never will, if she can help it.”
“My hair was beautiful”

“Let me state that I thought my hair was beautiful in high school, but since, I have heard talk about it,” the bio continued.
Here is a photo from the Class of ’65 Senior Banquet. The Missourian’s caption read, “Miss Cheri Pind just realizes that she is the one being described in the class prophesy being read by Chuck Dockins and Steve Seabaugh at the Senior Banquet Tuesday night in the Central High School cafeteria. Jim Stone, background, seems relatively unimpressed.”
Cheerleading skirt not too short

“I have terrific memories of high school and classmates, and I did not think my cheerleading skirt was too short!” she said.
As a male, I would have to agree with Cheri.
Cheri was the second from the left in this photo of the cheerleaders collecting for the March of Dimes in 1963. Norma Waggoner is, alas, keeping us from being able to judge the length of Cheri’s skirt.
Dancin’ in the parking lot
Cheri was one of the dancers to set the floor of the Teen Age Club on Spanish bouncing so much a city inspector shut the place down. Dancin’ feet gotta dance, so the action was moved to the bank parking lot at the corner of Main and Broadway.
Miss Pind is the girl facing the camera in the middle. She shows up in other photos of the parking lot dance.