Drive-In Then and Now

Hocking Hills Drive-In Logan OH 04-09-1970When Friend Jan and I passed through Logan, Ohio, in February, I mentioned that we stopped to take a photo the derelict Hocking Theater for my readers who are drive-in fans. You can click on the photos to make them larger.

This afternoon I was scanning a bunch of aerials I took while flying with a fire spotter in Southern Ohio in the spring of 1970. I couldn’t believe it, but here was a picture of the place in its heyday. The road under construction is what would become the four-lane Rt. 33 that links Athens to Columbus.

The way it looks today

Hocking Hills Drive-In Logan OH 01-24-2013Here’s a link to the story about passing the place (and our motel-hunting experience in Louisville)..

Other Drive-Ins

Mistletoe, Lewis & Clark

Mistletoe near Cairo IL 01-28-2013Friend Jan would have fit right in with Lewis and Clark. While she was here, we took a run over to Thebes and Cairo. Along the way, she started spotting huge clusters of mistletoe. I noted that she did NOT suggest we get in close proximity to it, particularly in regards to standing underneath it.

Her keen eyes put her in good stead with Lewis and Clark, who noted in their journal that on November 20, 1803, they were near the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. “They left from mooring on the Ohio side. They went seven miles, and noted much mistletoe hanging from trees. Lewis noted they had seen even more along the Ohio, increasing toward the mouth of the Ohio.

Louis Lorimier had a bad day at the track

Nov. 23 – Stopped at Cape Girardeau to see Commandant Louis Lorimier. He found Lorimier at the racetrack. The race was just over and Lorimier was busy for some time settling disputes about the bets. Lorimier lost four horses on the race, worth $200.

 Actual money was scarce. Main trading was done using such as horses, worth $50-200, cattle $8-10, cotton $100/ton, lead $80/ton. The settlement had begun eight years earlier and now had more than 1,000 people. Lorimier’s district went from the Grand Bend of the Mississippi north of the confluence, to Apple Creek which forms the north boundary of Cape Girardeau county, and 60 miles westward to the St. Francois River.

 Cape people “sober, temperate, laborious and honest”

Nov. 24 – Left Cape Girardeau at 7 a.m. A crewman who had left to go hunting two days earlier hailed them from the other shore and they picked him up. He was much fatigued with wandering, and somewhat indisposed.

 “People of Cape Girardeau have uniform character of sober, temperate, laborious and honest. Have erected two grist mills and a saw mill.”



Pencil Sharpener Museum

Paul A Johnson Pencil Sharpener Museum 01-24-2013Let me say right off that a guy who can put his hands on his grade school Valentines and almost every negative he’s shot since 1959, doesn’t have much room to wiggle when it comes to talking about what someone else collects.

Passenger Jan and I were blasting down the backroads of Ohio on our way to Old Man’s Cave when she spotted what looked like a welcome and information center. We did a quick U-turn and headed back.

One of the things I like about rural areas is that you can do things like U-turns and stop in the middle of the road if you want to take a picture.

Jan, a Florida native, wasn’t used to roads that curve and have deep dropoffs. About half her early postings were that she feared she was going to die in a crash or, worse yet, go flying over a cliff Thelma and Louise-style to meet her end in a ball of fire and/or freeze to death because nobody would find us until around March 15, when the buzzards would pass over on their way to Hinkley, Ohio.

People here drive, they don’t AIM their car

Old Man's Cave 01-24-2013“Jan,” I explained patiently, “people outside of Florida learn to DRIVE their vehicle, not POINT it. Florida puts guard rails on perfectly straight stretches of road if there is a canal within 300 feet. Up here, you can have a 300-foot dropoff at the edge of the shoulder and it’s assumed that you are going to keep the car on the road because if you DON’T, there’s a 300-foot dropoff at the edge of the shoulder.”

She eventually quit whimpering. Or, maybe I just got to where I tuned it out.

So, back to the Pencil Museum

Paul A Johnson Pencil Sharpener Museum 01-24-2013The Paul A. Johnson Pencil Sharpener Museum, which might measure roughly 10′ x 20′, is located on the grounds of  the Hocking Hills Regional Welcome Center at 13178 State Route 664 South, Logan, Ohio, 43138. It is open to the public for free Mondays through Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can find out more at the center’s website.

It does NOT take you long to go through it unless you REALLY appreciate pencil sharpeners.

No puns or word play

Paul A Johnson Pencil Sharpener Museum 01-24-2013First off, I am going to write this without any cheap puns because the walls of the place are covered with newspaper stories writers and editors tried to make “clever” and “cute” with bad puns and plays on words. I won’t do that, not because I don’t like puns and silly word play, but because some topics are too easy. This is one of them.

I have that camera

Paul A Johnson Pencil Sharpener Museum 01-24-2013I have that camera pencil sharpener on the shelf in my office. I think Wife Lila may have given it to me. When Paul Johnson’s wife gave him a couple of sharpeners for a Christmas present after he retired in 1988, it triggered a dormant sharpener collecting gene. Before long, he had more than 3,400 of the things in all shapes, kinds, colors and subjects.

I showed more restraint. Besides, I liked mechanical pencils that didn’t need grinding.

Wife donated collection

Paul A Johnson Pencil Sharpener Museum 01-24-2013When Paul died in 2010, his wife, Charlotte, donated his collection to the welcome center. (You can click on any photo to maker it larger.)

I bet you’ll recognize something

Paul A Johnson Pencil Sharpener Museum 01-24-2013The odds are pretty good that you’ve owned at least one of his collection. In addition to the camera, I saw the old-fashioned plastic pencil boxes that had a sharpener built in that we used in grade school. He arranged his art objects by category.

Used to give them away

Paul A Johnson Pencil Sharpener Museum 01-24-2013Early news reports said Paul would give away his duplicates to visitors. All of the ones on display now are supposed to be unique.

Plenty of color

Paul A Johnson Pencil Sharpener Museum 01-24-2013Some of the colors are eye-catchingly, garishly blinding.

The Museum isn’t somewhere I’d go miles out of my way to visit, but it’s worth a stop if you want to kill a few minutes. The workers at the welcome center are friendly and the restrooms are clean. What more can you ask for? That’s the point of it, right?

Darn! I ALMOST made it without using any puns.




Tower Rock: Missed Opportunity

Tower Rock low water 01-26-2013When I showed Friend Jan Tower Rock on January 26, 2013, it would have been possible to get to The Rock without getting your tootsies wet.

It was late in the afternoon, I hadn’t prepared for the climb and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to tempt fate by hauling a Florida native onto “the demon that devours travelers.” I saw several other figures on the pimple of rock sticking out of the river, but I was afraid it might be looking for non-native fare

Unfortunately for me, I see the river stage at Cape is 14.98 feet and rising. It needs to be at 7 feet for a crossing. I hope the river goes down in the next three weeks. You can click on the photo to make it larger.