Here’s how you know you’re in a small town: when folks hear sirens, they turn out to see what has happened. I was struck by the bystanders giving the once-over to this gas station fire in Scott City.
I didn’t have a date for the fire, so I couldn’t find the story, if any, that went with the pictures.
This looks like the owner
Unlike the people who looked like plain old gawkers (I admit to being a professional gawker), this man has the look of someone who has lost his livelihood.
Did fire start at pumps?
I don’t know if the fire started at the gas pumps and spread to the building or vice versa. Seeing the damaged cars reminded me of something that happened in West Palm Beach in the early 1970s.
A fellow brought his brand-new Corvette in to the dealer for service. He demanded that they park it far away from any other car in the parking lot so it wouldn’t get dinged.
The service manager had it parked in the very back row of the lot. Right next to the FEC Railroad main line.
Yep, you guessed it. The FEC had a massive derailment that afternoon and dumped tons of railroad cars on top of the man’s precious Corvette.
Other fire and fire equipment stories
The lily pond behind Fire Station #1
An Ohio family watches their home die
Sikeston church destroyed by fire
Cape’s old Fire Station #2 on Independence
200 to 300 lives were lost when the steamboat The Stonewall burned near Neely’s Landing
Boy Scout Chuck Dockins rescues two girls from burning auto
Scott City fire photo gallery
Click on any photo to make it larger, then click on the left or right side of the image to move through the gallery. Look for some things you don’t see any more: a AAA Emergency Service sign; a Public Telephone sign, and a horseshoe tacked above the door to the station (with the prongs pointing up to keep the good luck from spilling out).