“I had a post all ready to go when I checked my Facebook messages. Son Adam had tagged Wife Lila and me: “Happy anniversary you crazy kids.”
Lila had been working on a quilt and hadn’t seen the message. When I read it to her, she looked sort of mystified for a moment, then said, “Tomorrow’s June 23. That’s 45 years. THAT’S FOUR-FIVE YEARS,” she added, holding up four fingers, then five fingers.
“Wow,” he said.
We usually forget the date
We have a long history of not remembering our anniversary.
- When are you guys getting married?
- The Anniversary Card
- Mother and Dad set a good example
- I may not remember the date, but I remember my lucky coin flip
It’s been a good FOUR-FIVE YEARS (that’s 45 years, not implying four or five good years out of 45). I guess I should put the Big FIVE-OH in my calendar. That’s a real biggie.